About Us

Global Human Rights Communications (GHRC) builds respect for human rights and challenges injustice. It makes advocacy with difference by making creative and strategic communications with National Human Rights Institutions, Governments, United Nations Human Rights Bodies and non-state stakeholders.

GHRC works closely with local human rights groups, individual activists, lawyers and Civil Society Organizations that respects non-violence, human rights and democracy. It invites and engages the conflicting stakeholders for resolving issues in peaceful ways. It doesn’t mediate, but helps in preparing grounds for peace walk. It is engaged in building road maps for promotion and protection of the human rights and fundamental freedoms in worldwide, specifically in the conflict zones of Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Philippines, Srilanka and Thailand. Its creative strategic approach helps avoiding confrontation and provides opportunities for the positive dialogues for practical realization of human rights in public policies of the States. It also creatively asks the non-state stakeholders to respect the human rights principles.

GHRC aims to address the root causes of the conflicts in these zones through core thematic priority areas: Health rights, Land rights, Justice Sector Reforms, Anti-Corruption Reforms and Drug policy reforms. These thematic priorities share the need for public scrutiny and government accountability to be effectively implemented. GHRC believes that it is only through open and accountable government that we can achieve full practical realization of human rights in state policies—it is only through open and accountable government that we can address these root causes of conflict.

GHRC’s creative strategic approach deflects and defuses confrontation and provides opportunities for positive, practical dialogue as a means to an end. Our primary focus and the end we strive towards is the practical realization of human rights principles in the public policies of States.  In addition to this, we also actively campaign for and work with non-state stakeholders to respect human rights principles.

GHRC’s India program ensures human rights entitlements to victims of human rights violations and communities at risk by:

  • Engaging with National Human Rights Institutions by making submissions and complaints and monitoring their performances;
  • Helping victims and their dependents by initiating and pursuing human rights litigations and pro-bono redress cases;
  • Reflecting upon matters of India’s human rights policy and making recommendations for policy improvements;
  • Monitoring of public policy in India from a human rights perspective;
  • Mapping ethno-political conflict and hate crime within India;
  • Studying the causes and consequences of a culture of impunity and corruption, and advocating for policy measures to combat this culture;
  • Monitoring the business community and advocating for its respect and promotion of human rights;
  • Seeking practical steps for Non-state actors (including sub-state combatants and corporations) to incorporate respect for human rights into their operation.
  • Promoting independent media
  • Advocating drug policy reforms in India

GHRC activities span four broad categories, each of which overlap and influence the others. These are: legal assistance; capacity development; publications; and lobbying. Legal assistance involves providing direct practical support for victims of human rights violations, including filing cases, providing pro-bono legal representation and advising. Capacity development involves education and training in the field of human rights through workshops, mentorship, skill development sessions, and informational publications. Research and publications involves the production of briefing papers, policy recommendation documents, issue case studies, and monitoring reports. Finally, lobbying policy makers involves direct communication with States, national and international organizations, and non-state actors such as MNCs and the business community, using these interactions to push the human rights agenda.

English is the working language of GHRC. Important documents are translated to and from Oriya and English. Capacity building training is conducted in regional languages, as per the needs of participants.

GHRC’s approach is global in perspective, inclusive and participatory in agenda-setting and collaborative in method.

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